Les Jardins J.G. Kiraly
I created this web site for a local landscaping / waterfall garden / general contracting business located in St-Lazare, Quebec. The site makes use of a flash header and xml / flash configured photo gallery. |
Westwood Junior Virtual
In the virtual tour you can walk around an entire school
with the click of a few buttons -
and even look around every single classroom! My brother
Jordan took hundreds photos, and the program I created links them all
together into a single cross-platform compatible web
Personal Web Page
This began as my first web page ever back in 1999. At first it
consisted of a small handful of pages and focused primarily on providing
downloadable TI-83 graphing calculator programs. Over the years its appearance
and content have changed immensely, but the
basic arrangement has remained the same. |
- Robotic Palletizing and Packaging Solutions
I designed and this web site for Stellutikerr Inc. They
are based in Texas. It is one of the best places to go to when in
need of palletizing equipment, baggers,
packaging systems and more. The web page contains information on the
products and services offered by StellutiKerr.
This web site was originally designed by Paul Harmond. In 2004 I made
several additions and improvements to the web site. |
Patrick Burger's Web Site
I created this web site for an English teacher at John
Abbott College. He specifically asked for a purple
background. |
M3 - Mandarin
This web site provided over one hundred pages information
as a web resource to complement the previously published information covering the use of a
library database system, M3 Mandarin.
Standard Poodles
I created this web site for my neighbors. They raise
highly trained championship poodles as a hobby. There are
dozens of cute pictures of baby poodles in the nursery
section in case you are interested!
The primary purpose of this web page was to post all of the TI-83
graphing calculator programs I had made onto the internet so that anyone
could make use of them. Currently visitors are also welcome to contribute
their own programs, and the web site also includes a few other programming
projects and programming tutorials.
Alan's Web Site
This is my brothers Web
Site. I helped him make it quite a long time ago. He's got a
some neat photos of himself snowboarding and and a few other
things of interest.
Ohigashi Plays Piano
I created this web site for Yuko Ohigashi, a Japanese girl
who is currently studying in Michigan, USA. If you go to www.yukopiano.com her
main web site, mine is the "Canadian" version.
Youth Group
(offline)This was a template design I had in mind for a site although it
never really got used. |
Young People's Montreal
www.scybolt.com/yp2003This web site gave information and maps about the
upcoming event, and now displays photos of the event.
Young People's Rideau Ferry
During the summer of 2003 a large number of friends and family were
invited for some fun, games, and Bible study in Rideau Ferry,
Ontario. I made this web site to put the photos taken at the event online for
viewing in an original fashion.