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Something fun
to do: |
I took over
100 photos of my house so that you can explore
it and the yard! Works fine at low connection speeds.
welcome to the homepage of TI-Velocity, your resource to some
of the greatest Texas Instruments graphing calculator games
available. Currently this site has program archives for only the
TI-83 and TI-83 plus, however if you have anything for another TI calculator, don't hesitate to
submit your
program to the archives!
Featured Program - BangBang
4 The most exciting scorched earth game
ever made for the TI-83 has been improved! This game has fast random terrain generation,
especially compared to the commonly used "shade" command tactic.
You can play a single player game, a one player game against the AI, or a
two player game. Includes a wacky but challenging multi-difficulty level Artificial Intelligence
and has different terrain options and missile types. More
Archives - July 4, 2003 |
- July 28, 2007 |
has been very little activity on
this site recently since I've been busy working on other projects. However the site is still being hosted since it's useful for reference. Enjoy!
- January 12, 2004 |
"sdwMSNBot" application
has been released!. It can actually carry on
rudimentary conversation with you
or up to 100 of your MSN contacts simultaneously!!...
click here
to go to the information and
download page.
- July 12, 2002 |
to all of my bandwidth users! I
must have done something right,
otherwise you would not be here!
This time of year I tend to get an
influx of visitors, because you've
all just bought your TI-83 for
school and can't wait to fill it
with games! I plan to add to this
site and make it even more
exciting. A survey of something
perhaps... :-)
- July 12, 2001 |
This site has just begun
the actual construction phase. The
HTML of TI-Velocity is being
written with Microsoft FrontPage
4.0, HomeSite 3.0, Arachnophilia,
Super NotePad, and plain old
Notepad. Compatibility tests are
taken with Netscape, but complete
Netscape compatibility is not guaranteed.
If possible, use Internet Explorer
for the best experience. Graphics
on this site were drawn and
manipulated with Paint Shop Pro 6.
This web site is maintained by Sean Weeks click
here for contact info Homepage:
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