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If you've learned to program your TI-83, you've just learned fundamental basics of programming. QBasic is a good lanquage to help you migrate into more modern languages. Learn more...

Learning BASIC

What is Basic?

Basic is a programming language. The one that will be talked about here is specifically for TI-83 and TI-83 plus calculators. There are only slight differences between the two. By programming in basic, you can make your calculator execute strings of commands automatically.

What is required to program in BASIC:

- Texas Instruments TI-83 graphing calculator

What is recommended to program in BASIC:

- Texas Instruments TI-83 graphing calculator
- TI-Graph Link 83 cable
- TI-Graph Link 83 software
- 486 computer with Windows 3.1 or better
- Virtual TI Emulator software

What is the difference between BASIC and ASM or Z80 programming?

The best thing about basic is that it is much simpler and easier to use that ASM. Basic uses commands that are easy to understand, while ASM uses complex memory addresses that can crash your calculator if you are not careful. However, ASM is much faster and usually smaller. If you are a beginner in programming, it is highly recommended you learn Basic programming first.

What is the difference between GWBasic for the computer and Basic for the calculator?

Basic for the calculator uses slightly different commands ex: Print becomes Disp . Basic for the computer uses commands that mean to jump to a string, run it, then return. Basic for the calculator does not have this function, so you have to use labels and gotos instead. It is possible to adapt a computer Basic program into a calculator Basic program, but sometimes it is difficult, mainly for that reason.

Your first program

To create your program, turn ON your calculator and press the PGRM button. If you are using TI-Graph link, you can write a new program and send it to your calculator that way to. On the calculator, then select NEW, and enter the name of your program up to 8 characters in length. Type ADD for a name and then press enter. You will then see:


Press PRGM. You will now see a list of commands. Move right to I/O (input/output) and select the Input command. You will then see it before your cursor position. Now type in what you want the program to ask you before you enter a string so type "NUMBER:"

Now you should see:

:Input "NUMBER:"

Now type ,A to make the number you type be stored in variable A. The calculators Input variables are A-Z and 0 and Str0 to Str9 . A-Z+0 are for numbers, Str0 to Str9 are for any type of input.

Now you should see:

:Input "NUMBER:",A

Now press enter for a new line and input the same string but change the "NUMBER:" to "PLUS:" and change the variable from A to B.

Now you should see:

:Input "NUMBER:",A
:Input "PLUS:",B

Now press enter for a new line and then press PRGM again. You will now again see a list of commands. Move right to I/O (input/outout) and select the Disp command. You will now see it before your cursor position. Now type in what you want the program to write on the display before you see the value of A+B, then a comma, and the value to see on the next line. So type in "ANSWER IS",A+B

Now you should see:

:Input "NUMBER:",A
:Input "PLUS:",B
:Disp "ANSWER",A+B

Now press 2nd MODE to quit. Now you are at the homescreen. Press PRGM, then select ADD off the list of programs. Now press enter and you will see prgmADD. Press enter and you will have started your program! This is what it should do, here is a sample run:


This is one of the simplest programs you can make. You could put a formula in place of A+B, and you could have one variable, or 27. Note: You can't put Str0 to Str9 in a equation. Here is an example of a usefull program:

Note: I have taken out the colons(:) and put just the code. The pure code is in red.

Disp "VOLUME OF A","CONE.","BY: SEAN",""
Input "HEIGHT:",H
Input "RADIUS:",R
Disp "VOLUME:",((3.1415926535*R^2)*H)/3

ClrHome clears the home screen.

To find out more about programming, look in your manual in chapter 16 for the TI-83 to find out the syntax for each command. If you don't have a manual, you can download it for free as a PDF file about 4MB at Ti.com/calc.

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